Anna Georghiou 2017

map of all the Riu d’art artworks

Water Carriers

‘Water Carriers’ (el portador d’aigua) in part is a homage recognising all those who carried water from the river Ebro to the village. Water contains many symbolism’s living and flowing, the vital source of life. The mural is also a celebration of color, harmony, beauty and imagination. It was wonderful to talk to local people who could remember those who experienced carrying water along this path.

Anna’s work depicts groups of figures in a timeless setting; offering viewers alternative possible worlds, questioning perceptions of reality and being. Her work embraces creativity, imagination, spirit and colour.

“The honesty in art is important to me, Art does not need to follow trends empty surface. In an age of cynicism. I wish to affirm the enduring qualities of the human spirit and attempt to reignite the search for the Logos (the soul), and “perceptive power of the mind”.

Anna is a British / Cypriot artist. On completing her BA in Psychology / Philosophy she went to study art and live in Cyprus for 6 years old. During this time she taught undergraduate / post graduate art students and her work represented Cyprus at various national and international exhibitions through The United Nations, the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture and the Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts.

After her MA in Fine Art, she moved to the powerful and evocative landscape of ancient Dartmoor a continuous inspiration for her painting and music. Here she has been involved with various local, national and international projects, festivals and exhibitions. She has also recently qualified as an aromatherapist.

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